Thursday, September 30, 2010
kelakuan izi hari ini...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
budget izi 2010
in hand:rm90
gaji masuk 30/1/4/5..worst case kite amek 5 hb la kan..skng da 23hb..jadi ad 12 hari lg..klu sehari ak belanja rm15 totalnya ak gune dalam rm170..jd ad balance rm220..hurm..ngam ngam je nk beli perfume..2 la klu xde pape kejadian pelik la kn..puh puh arap-arap berjalan lancar..
gaji:rm2100 (after deduct with epf & socso + rumah,bil api & air company yg bayar)
a)makan minum=rm350
d)kereta loan=rm200
e)fuel=rm60 (rumah dekat je ngn kilang..ngeeee...)
f)ganti rugi sbb rosakkn gps=rm300
g)utang dgn si tembel[adikku]=rm400
h)service minyak itam kete=rm80
j)minyak & tol blk kuantan(konvo)=rm150 (plus kos-kos laen semase perjalanan)
k)beli kasut itam tuk konvo=rm100 suda(lancau kari ni..)
l)safety boot=rm60
tngok..tngk..xcukup..lahanat btol.. 2 blom masuk bayar ptptn lg rm150/month..excuse la dlu..6bln keje bru wajib bayar..jd solution nye adalah seperti berikut:
a)utang tembel byr rm100 dlu jd ad lg rm300
b)utang sulaiman bayar rm200 dlu jd ad lg rm100
balance salary=rm2100-(rm2390-rm400)
total saving =rm110
cketnye balance..ap ak nk buat banyak 2..2 pon kalau xde emergency case or kos-kos trdesak..fuhhhh..bulan depan sakit woo..xle joli...
gaji=rm2100 (same mcm diatas)
b)makan minum=rm350
e)loan kete=rm200
total usage=rm1700
balance salary=rm2100- rm1700
total saving=rm400+rm110
bole la bernafas cket lbn novenber ni nti..2 pon xbanyak mane pon balance..bole la nk mkn sate sekali sekale kn..kempuanan ak dbuatnye..
gaji=rm2100 (same jugak)
income(nov) =rm2100
a)makan minum=rm350
d)loan kete=rm200
total usage=rm1300
balance salary=rm2100-rm1300
total saving=rm800+rm500
huhuhuhu..cketnye..2 plg minimum ak ble simpan utk shoping new mngkin lebih lg..sume nilai2 diatas ak letak maximum ak spend..mngkn 20% dr jumlah ak spend bole di savingkn..area yg bole di jimatkan adalah:
a)makan minum
mngkn dlm rm150 bole save dr due mende ni..darab 3 bln dpt la mngkn jugak ak gne duit ni tuk g umah makcik ak ujung mngu or klua ngn membe-membe ke kn..kire burn la jgk..trmasuk la tiap2 mnggu g laundry..
ap2 pon berbekal kn rm1300 tu ak nk g shoping jgk..tolak travel cost ble la ak spend rm1000 tuk beli kasut n baju or jeans...
tp xle gune da gaji ni nk buat shoping..mase gaji ni masuk msti sale da abes..xsuke shoping mase xde sale..trase rugi..
january 2011
sum sume la senang=rm1300
total saving(start from zero sbb da abes shoping)=rm800
huahuahua..jd for this month punye saving akn dhabis kn pd bulan feb sbbnye ad chinese new year sale..kahkah..
gaji=rm2100(ni pon klu worst case ak xkompem lg jd xnaek la gaji..max 6bln kje)
sum sume=rm1300
total saving=rm800+rm800
saving ni xle dhbskn smua..jd mngkn ak amek rm1200 tuk shoping..balance simpan takot ap2 jdik kan..
so summary dr sume ni..i will not get couple again untill puas dgn dri going to be lone ranger for quite sometime till i figure it out later..
Sunday, September 19, 2010
katilku yg xbercadar..dari zaman study dlu lagi mmg mcm ni..sbbnye klu ad cadar leceh cket..duk tercabut2 je..ak da pemalas dan pemalu nk kemas balik..jdnye togel mcm ni pon layan je la kn..haha..ak ad 4 bantal..xle klu cket2..yg wane koko 2 paling otai skli..da berbelas tahun umo nye..hikhik..sape2 yg rindu ak ble la bau bantal ak 2..g mne2 pon ak bwk..klu x xle tdo..masyuukkkkkk...wangiiiiii...
awal bulan depan da konvo..nk kne beli kasut itam plk 1..kasut lame da koyak..hurmmm membazir jgk 2..nk beli yg baru semate2 nk pki konvo je..kang ad ak beli safety boot..ble pki waktu keje nti..haha..1 lg nk perfumeeeeeee...da lame x beli..armani yg ak ske da abes ak pakai..skng ak pki hugo yg lame pnye..sblm ak beli armani..ermmm bkn beli jgk pon..ex gf ak kasi..hukhuk..xpela..nk cri yg bru jgk la ujung bln ni..balance gaji banyak lg ni..bese la idop cni jimat..xde tmpt2 hiburan..klu xkerana rokok lg ak kaye kot...huhuhuhu..
Friday, September 17, 2010
TrUe LoVe...kinda..
It could be just the basic instinct. The feelings can be passionate and crazy, but in fact both people may want only sex.(hihi..sensored...tettt) And after it all the misunderstanding starts, and once infatuated lovers will find out that they have nothing in common and sometimes they dont even know what to talk with each other.
Another variant is when people lack support, care and attention to their person or they just scared to stay single.(dont be so sarcarstic with me..almost 7 month single but somehow i feel the same i afraid rite now?? i lonely??..yuppp) Being with someone can be a habit when one simply got used to the other. It can either be a sick addiction or some self-interest. People call all these types of relationship love just by mistake or trying to conceal the true nature of it. (hurmm agree..better change my from of view bout love after this..)
But than what does real love look and feel like? Maybe its when two people seem to know each other for ages and even in their previous lives. They can go on talking and talking and conversation never lacks topics and never gets dull. Or people don뭪 have to say anything because they understand each other without words(i like this style). And those moments, minutes and even hours of silence are never uncomfortable. True love is when partners complete one another, when theyre together its peaceful, the whole other world with its sufferings and problems doesnt exist and nothing even matters. (im dying to be with this type of girl..)
True love means understanding. One trusts another more than him/herself and feels ready to satisfy every little need of a partner. Two people dont stop for a second looking into each other eyes. (after all bad experience in the bag..i totally can do that..)
Its said that two persons truly in love arent looking at each other but in the one direction. And this is rather reasonable because they dont say nothing "his is yours and this is mine" and share everything: friends, enemies, interests, problems and etc. One has his/her own identity but sees him/herself only as a part of the other. Still real love is not a relationship of property. If you really love someone you may say 's belong you� but always be ready to let go if it makes the person you love happy. (berkorban apa saja.asalkn dpt membahagiakan si is about sharing not about owning or control or what so ever)
Jealousy stands out of the true love. How can one be jealous if theret so much love and faithfulness? Real love doesnt long for power, it doesnt want to hurt, doesnt want to punish for mistakes, its self-sacrificing and ready to forgive other and other again. But its wrong to think that true love is always a suffering, it only means that you take a person as he or she is and dont expect the one you love to be perfect. (i believe, i oredy get rid of this kind attitute..finally i can manage it)
True love isnt supposed to blow your mind, yet it doesnt tend to get and to possess � its a and very special state of a soul.
But the question that true love is still has no definite answer. Do we truly love only once in our life? At what age are we supposed to meet our love? Does it last for a lifetime or just for a while? Probably everyone has his own answers to this questions. The truth is that no one should spend life chasing ideals or building relationships by some model of a true love. One will probably fail and miss the real thing beyond all this.
We should remember that very many things we need to supply our healthy and comfortable living but only the true feeling of love makes life really longer and happier. And this is scientifically proved.
p/s:im ready to love againnnnnnnnnnn......
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
salam..bertemu kembali kita di laman blog ini..rasanya,,agak seketika juga tak update blog ni..nak kata sibuk dgn persiapan raya..tak ada la sangat walhal raya tahun ini amat la tak bermakna bagi aku..tak meriah pon dgn hari raya pertama ak telah di serang sakit perot yang bertubi tubi..dengan kate laen..tahun ni ak beraye dlm toilet je..xtau berapa kali ak ulang alik pegi toilet..kebas kaki ak duk menyangkung..hahaha..hareeemmmm btol..tapi apa-apa pun selamat hari raye maaf zahir batin kepada pembaca yang xseberapa ni.. hahaha
ini la keluarga ak kecik je..3 org adik beradik dan aku paling tua...hahaha..
sambung kembali pada sesi luahan hati pulak..masa cuti raya baru ni..banyak la movie-movie plus drama ape sume ak amek kt adik adik la satu cite yg menarik..sbb ak kate menarik adalah kerana xlain xbukan dsebabkan pleh heroin die cantik2 sume..meleleh-leleh air liur woo..tajuknya iris..cite die bermula dgn agk romantis amat..wuuuuuuu..i the midle more to action which mean not so cool..the ending nye xtau lg sbb xabes lagi tengok..cite ni 20 episod dengan sejam setiap 1 episod..
tetapi!!!!!!haaaa ada tapi 2..dsebalik heroin yang teramat hot..terselit jua lagu2 korea yg sedap didengar wlupon xpaham..ermmm nk kate sdp didengar 2 ble jgk bkn tu yang ambe nk sampaikan.dsbb kn bhase korea lgu die n ak xpaham jd ad la die ltk lirik dlm english..waaaaa liriknye sgt menyedih kn..hayati yeppp..
because i miss your laughter that i hear whenever the cold wind brushes the tips of my finger,
your two eyes that reflected my face,
because i am lonely, i cry and cry again,
the words i couldnt said because my lips were frozen,
even though we loved each other,
we're now having to part,
even though we are under the same sky,
can you feel it..maybe by reading is not same feeling without hearing the download first..but they want to describe how great they are miss each there anybody miss me sad..i believe there is no one..but if you ask answer will be>>>i miss her so much but i couldnt dare to say..its only beautiful dream but after you woke up and then you was gone already..
c ya...
Monday, September 6, 2010
menguji kesabaran betul la hari ni..
malu wehhh..malu tau x..da la fes day xde briefing psl scope kerja ak ke ap..duk tour kilang tunjuk mesin die..then ap ak nk buat ngn mesin 2..kurg bgtau la tngungjawab ak pe.senang ak focus la jgk arah ad la die suh ak blaja buat quality assurance kt 2 keje amoi 2..bkn ak berkire xnk amoi 2 mcm nk xnak je bile ak ckp nk ak buat x..msti la kan..klu ak buat keje die,die nk wt pe plk..kje die pon bkn bnyk..klu smpi xcukup mase nk buat kompem la die bg ak tolong..die pon nk cover gak klu bos trun ke ap ke..xkn die nk duk melepak..abes trkontang kanteng la ak kt ctu..
xtahan cm ji wehhh..ak da hyper cket..xle duk diam..tbe msuk cni ak jd tunggul plk..xkena dgn jiwe btol..mnggu lps ak saba lg..ak sedapkn ati sndri..xpe lps ni ad la smpi bile ak nk cm ni..mcm mne ak nk berkembang..majukn dri..nk tmbah knowledge ke ap jadahnye..mcm xde improvement pon..skang ak rse mcm nk berambus je..wlupn gaji die offer agk tngi jgk tp x memberi ak input tambahan,ak still jgk nk berambus..tngu la seminggu due lg..klu cm ni jgk keadaan ak nekad nk cri kerja laen..ak lebih suke die bg responsibility kt ak..biala ak xreti pd mulenye mmg la cm 2..klu kne marah ke ap xkesah..kurg2 ak ble improve..ak btol2 kecewa skng..
ak sudah tidak mampu menahan segale kebosanan dan kebabian sume ni..pegi kje bosan..blk kje lg la bosan..duk sorg2 plk kt umah..mental ak dbuatnye..
Sunday, September 5, 2010
i realy need this but somehow i need to find somebody to accompany me..
The restaurant with the most spectacular view in town, Coals on the Beach offers unpretentious food and excellent service. This restaurant serves succulent steaks, lamb chops, lobsters and seafood grilled to perfection for the most unique dining experience.
Hours: Dinner - Thursday to Sunday - 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Friday, September 3, 2010
haaa dgn ini ak dtugaskn mencipta 1 mesin punching ke roller ke ap ke tuk manufacture product 2..product 2 pelapik pelastic yg berbentuk bulat dan berlubang donut mne ni..mampu ke ak nk design machine..mcm susah je..jd sambil2 ak duk terperap kt ofis 2 ak pun duk lukis2 la ap yg otak kecil tp geliga ni ngah bayangkn..dppt la 2 3 jenis sketch tp nk tunjuk kt die xbole da..die xmsuk ofis arini..ntah bile plk die msuk..arap2 die xgelakkn la konsep ak ni..nk buat canggih2 kang production 100opieces je..pas 2 product 2 bkn cpt abes or rosak..supervisor 2 cakap 1000 ble thn sbulan..ntah la..tngk la cm mne die comment..
sakit otak n geli hati..hahaha