Friday, November 11, 2011

heyy dude im engineer now..

hahaha.. a bit cocky right there rite..after one year slaving myself at my previous job now i get the chance to be somebody.. although my current job very very hard with tight dateline but still not a problem for me..i have a lot of respect over here and my boss let me to contribute even though sometimes his way might make me want to punch his face right away still a very much welcome sir..appreciate a lot..attend meeting, arrange schedule, reports, solving problem, throwing idea, sharing info, hot supplier and best part is lying...why is that?..becuase i dont know the answer, no colleague during meeting so best thing to do is lying and confident face/poker face..haha..some people dont like to answer if dont know the answer but not like me..qquestion should be answered..doesnt matter if im wrong or not...that is what i want...challenge, struggle, satisfaction, praise..yeahhh im lovin it..hey u, im engineer hard, work hard, work hard and say no to relationship...heheheheh