Friday, November 11, 2011

heyy dude im engineer now..

hahaha.. a bit cocky right there rite..after one year slaving myself at my previous job now i get the chance to be somebody.. although my current job very very hard with tight dateline but still not a problem for me..i have a lot of respect over here and my boss let me to contribute even though sometimes his way might make me want to punch his face right away still a very much welcome sir..appreciate a lot..attend meeting, arrange schedule, reports, solving problem, throwing idea, sharing info, hot supplier and best part is lying...why is that?..becuase i dont know the answer, no colleague during meeting so best thing to do is lying and confident face/poker face..haha..some people dont like to answer if dont know the answer but not like me..qquestion should be answered..doesnt matter if im wrong or not...that is what i want...challenge, struggle, satisfaction, praise..yeahhh im lovin it..hey u, im engineer hard, work hard, work hard and say no to relationship...heheheheh

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Reminder for my self

this 15th August, i will start working at Ranhill Bhd.. very big company and have global scare me a lot.. many things going on in my mind right know.. i dont know whether i can perform or not..hopefully everything will become smoothly as i want to..there is an article i would like to share with all the viewer..perhaps it can show you the right path of success..enjoy reading fella..

Even if you love your job, you’ll likely find yourself stuck in a rut at some point in your career. You may have gotten so good at what you do that it has become automatic (and perhaps a bit boring), or maybe you’d like to ask for a raise but don’t know how to broach the subject. Whatever your goal, we spoke to career experts to learn what techniques will help you gain momentum at work.

1. Take on diverse assignments.

If it seems like the only thing that ever changes about your job is the day of the week, it’s time to ask your boss for “stretch assignments” to enhance your growth, says Jodi Glickman, president of a communication training firm and author of Great on the Job. Offer to help with new projects, even ones that fall outside your department. Or, if you have a particular skill that isn’t part of your job description, be on the lookout for opportunities to indulge your other areas of expertise. For instance, say you’re a teacher who also has a flair for writing. “If your team is redesigning the curriculum or applying for a grant, offer to help write, edit or review the proposal,” suggests Glickman. “By showcasing your natural talents, you’ll give people a chance to see another side of you, and you may open doors to new opportunities you never even considered,” she explains. If there are no projects on the horizon, let it be known that you're available when one does come along. “People will appreciate your initiative and will often find a way to make new assignments come your way over the long term,” Glickman adds.

2. Put out fires before they start.

Let your boss know as soon as you become aware of a problem or potential problem, and offer possible solutions. This approach “shows your boss that you’ve got good judgment and that you’re trying to make his or her life easier by taking an active role in the problem-solving,” notes Glickman. Making things run more smoothly for your boss is a surefire way to improve your chances of getting a raise or promotion, she adds.

3. Ask questions.

While it may seem like you’re doing your boss a favor by keeping questions to a minimum, you’re actually setting yourself up for failure if you don’t ask for resources that will help you do the best job possible. When you’re given a new assignment, make sure you understand exactly what’s required of you and how to do it. If anything isn’t clear, ask for guidance. According to Glickman, “the smart way to ask for help is to ask your boss if she has a good recent example of a similar completed assignment that you can look at, or a recommendation of someone you could speak with for direction.”

4. Find—and learn from—a mentor.

If you want to increase your visibility, says Hadley Earabino, a certified Martha Beck Life Coach who helps women with career choices, “start taking notes: Who gets noticed? What is she doing that you can emulate? You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Model yourself after someone whose techniques are already working.” Once you find a coworker you especially admire, let her know that you’d like to help out if she ever needs assistance with a project, or let your manager know you’re eager to team up with this particular person. Collaborating with well-respected employees can be a “great way for you to learn new skills, develop a new relationship and gain visibility with other senior leaders within your organization,” Glickman says.

5. Get to the point.

We often overcommunicate for fear that we’ll leave out important details, but loading down listeners with too much information makes it hard for them to take it all in. The solution? “Lead with the punch line,” advises Glickman. Whether you’re delivering good or bad news, “think about what is new, different or important, and start with that. Don’t make people guess at your meaning or listen to a four-minute voice mail when you could have delivered your key points in half the time.” If there’s time and attention to spare, then you can fill in more details.

6. Take control of your career path.

If you feel like you're ready for more responsibility at work, meet with your boss to tell her what you’d like to take on while also asking for advice on how you can prepare for this next step. “Be long-term focused and couch it in terms of your ability to contribute to the organization in a broader way,” Glickman suggests. For instance, if you want more client interaction, she recommends saying: “I'd like to expand my skill set and increase my impact, and I think I'd do well interacting with clients. Is there any way to give me some additional exposure over the next three to six months?" Earabino suggests that “you might also try doing extra work before you're asked to. If you do a stellar job, you'll be handed a similar project before you can finish the first one.” Of course, you don’t want to step on any toes, but if you think a project would benefit from extra research, go ahead and do it without being asked, and report the findings to your boss.

7. Mind your attitude.

“A good attitude is arguably one of the most important things you bring with you to the job,” says Glickman. “If you are open-minded and willing to pitch in, or just do what's asked of you with a smile on your face, people will want to work with and for you.” But if there’s a problem that you can’t ignore, instead of griping, Glickman suggests being proactive. First, highlight the issue (“I’d like to talk to you about how we might be able to help the sales team better prepare for our meetings.”). Then, ask for rationale (“What are your thoughts about why the sales team doesn’t have their reports ready for our weekly meetings?”). Finally, propose a solution (“Would it help if we moved the meetings to later in the week?”).

8. Tout your accomplishments.

While it’s important to keep your boss informed of your successes, don’t overdo it by sharing every detail. Instead, Glickman recommends scheduling quarterly discussions to update your manager about “what you've been working on and a few of the successes you've had.” She explains, “Asking to sit down and catch up once a quarter is not too onerous, and any achievements are still relatively recent.” Then, when you feel you deserve a raise or promotion, schedule a meeting with your boss in which you recap significant contributions throughout the past year and share what you plan to contribute going forward. “If your boss refuses your request after you've laid out your case, you need to ask, ‘What do I specifically need to do to get a raise or promotion next time?’” says Glickman. “Find out so that you can meet those goals and make it happen.”

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

kesinambungan matlamat 2011

kalau anda mengikuti anda pasti tau..pade bulan januari tahun ak ad post entry tajuk matlamat 3 matlamat ak antaranya:

1. satria neo cps kaler itam-da dekat dua bulan ak beli kete ni..jadi matalamt pertame suda tercapai dan setakat ni sangat berpuas hati..dulu mase pakai kancil selalu orang bagi high beam kat ak bile nk potong kete laen xlepas2..jadi skang ni giliran aku pulak..huhhh bmw ye..ak kasi high beam lak kat ko..ketepi, patik nak lalu..hahaha..

2.tukar kerja berhampiran pucong atau shah alam-buat pengetahuan semua aku dapat ofer ranhil sdn bhd di ampang sane..walaupun bukan pucong atau shah alam tp kire accomplish juagak la..pasal ak nk lari dari bukit beruntung je..boring la duk cini..

3. mencari gf-haaa yang ni je belum tercapai..xtaula la dalam tahun ni boley dapat ke x..bukan xboley dapat sebenarnye tapi belom bersedia lagi nak berkongsi hidup and rahsia ngan seseorang..lebih senang hdup sorang dari berdua..tetapi fitrah manusia lelaki berpasangan dengan wanita xley lari..suatu mase nanti tapi bukan waktu terdekat..amin..

tak teruja pun raye..huh..

minggu depan start puase sebulan..lepas tu raye..xlame da tu..sebulan lebih je lagi..orang da sibuk2 cari baju raye..klu yang perempuan tu da siap da pun tempah..baju melayu aku pun elok lg..rasenye pakai yang tu je la kot..malas la nak beli baru..bukan xde duit..bukan kedekut tapi pakai wat semayang raye je..pas balik semayang tuka baju n sambung tdo..macam tu la aktiviti raye ak..memang xbest langsong..

sikit pun xde rase teruja nak raye..adik beradik bape kerat je..tambah pulak adik ak sorg tu xblk raye thn sbb kat oversea..sepupu belah mak 2 kerat je..kecik lg..bkn bole wat sembang..sedare belah bapak jauh2..yang dekat sombong plak..sorg xkawen duk isap dadah..then sape je yang tinggal..dulu mase arwah tok wan n opah ade rmi jugak sedare jauh skang da xde..klu ade pn sikit sangat la..

2 tahun lepas ak siap nak wat part time lg mase raye tp last minit cancel..tahun lepas ak da start keje mase sebelum raye..budak2 melayu sume extend cuti seminggu tapi ak x..3 hr je cuti ak da terpacak kat kilang..yang tinggal mase tu budak2 cine ngn india je..ak sorg melayu..layan je la..

tahun ni pun raye sekejap cukup la..wat nampak batang idung n kasi duit raye..bukan nye ade kawan kat kampung..lenla ak membesar kat citu..bole kenal org..kalau la raye kat terengganu ni memang panjang kaki la aku..xduduk rumah pas balik semayang..balik x balik ni la kalau bapak keje goverment..pindah randah..jadi kepada bakal2 ibu jangan cari suami goverment..menyeksa batin anak2..

tahun ni raye mak sedare ak 2 org je ad..sorg da kawen xde anak..sorg xkawen2 lagi..pak sedare balik uma mak mertua..hahaha..uwaaaaa meriahnye..keluarge kecik mmg xbest..xmeriah langsung..jadi bakal bini aku kene cari yang adik beradik ramai..tak kisah la tido luar atas toto nyamuk gigit ke ape..janji ramai..riuh rendah cket pn xpe..anak aku kurang2 ad 5..sikit nanti kang cakap sorg2 lak nti..

jadi sekian la luahan hati patik yang xberpuas hati pade diri sendiri..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

im a thinker..

just one sentence will last forever

i will find a beautiful girl that wouldn't mind to be ugly

Monday, May 30, 2011

izi punye weekend..

chapter 1

tanggal 27.05.2011 make jatuhlah resignation letter ak..hahaha..abes cite..tapi kerja lagi kat situ..mengikut kire-kire ak kalau xsilap last day ak jd 8.8.2011..kire ok la tu setahun buang masa kat bukit beruntung ni..hapah pon tadak..da la kaum wanita kurang berkeliaran..hahaha..

cite pasal aku resign ni ad la kisah disebaliknya..aku sebenarnya cuak nak pada hari jumaat tu ak enkad la..aku nk bagi jugak surat tu..lps waktu keje aku stay kejap kat ofis..sambil-sambil buat kerja..plan nya ak nak naik bilik die pastu cakap ckep pasal progress audit yang kne komen ritu then submit letter..jadi aku pon naek la ofis die..aku cakap la nanti aku nak ubah ini itu..then die bagi la feedback yang ntah pape aku xpaham..letter da ade dalam kocek ni..pale otak xfokus pon dengar explainantion die..aku duk pikir cam mane ak nak cakap..

time-time genting cam tu la orang nak kol ak..tengah ak duk stanby tangan lam kocek nak amek letter ade orang kol..aku rejek..kol lagi..ak rejek lagi..bkn sekali dua..4 5 kali jugak..sume aku rejek..pastu pale otak da blurr...ak turun balik ofis lepas discuss pasal keje ngan die..aku check sape makcik ak nagn member aku..then aku kol la membe aku tanya kenape kol..dia nak bagitau die nak datang ak cite la kat die aku plan nk submit letter tapi xberani..dia la duk bakar semangat ak..bagi jeeee katenye..aku pon sembang2 ngan dia sampi kedit ak pn abes..die pulak kol..sabung balik sembang..tu pon berenti sebab dia nak masuk kerja..

kali ni memang betol-betol turning back..aku naek sekali lagi ketuk pintu die,die suh masuk..aku pon hulur la resignation letter aku kat dia..aku cakap nak resign..why?????katenya la sambil geleng kepale..are u not happy here???hurmmm dalam hati nak je kate ye..tapi aku xcakap la cam tu..aku jawab ape pn mase tu aku xingat da..dia pn soal siasat la comp mane ak nak pegi..bapa gaji bila masuk sume-sume la..aku sebenarnye segan ngan dia..bukan die penah marah aku pon selame ak keje kat situ..selalu kalau discuss senyum-senyum je..bos yang baek la..teramat baek kot..abes sume pekerja tak takot kat die..ngan aku apatah lagi..tokey kilang pon senyap xkan ak tegor dorg nak amek pusing..

tapi xpela..pengalaman..boley kenal orang..yang cam mane jenis mane jenis mane jenis cakap mane jenis kaki bodek..pekerja kilang kat sini sume ok bagi ak..kalau bab kawan memang ok tp kalau bab kerja bapok liatnye nak mengarah..aku buat bodo je la jawabnya..bia lantak..improvement tadak janji production jalan ikot time..tapi aku xcakap kat sape-sape pon ak submit tapi dorg sume da agak..sorg2 tanye..hari jumaat hari tu buat ap ngan bos lame-lame..resign eh???ak puas pulak mengencing..ak nak cabut bia dorang sume xtau..malas la nak kecoh-kecoh..hahaha

chapter 2

ade sesape peminat manchester united????????jika ada maka boooooooo lah untuk anda...memang aku geram betol tengok man utd maen lawan barcelona..kene ayam je barcelona buat..langsung xde fight..sakit je ati tengok..hati da berdarah-darah..ape pasal la barcelona kuat sangat..dengki btol aku..defender man utd pon bole kate taek jugak la..senang je player barcelona bole lepas dorang..mmmgggggg gerammmmmmmmmmmm...membuatkan aku xboleh tdo dengan tenang..terbayang-bayang dalam pale otak aku gol gol barcelona..kerbau laut betol...

chapter 3

ahad yakni semalam..aku pegi kenduri abang membe aku..malam sebelum tu ak da siap-siap la tdo umah bakal pengantin lelaki..senang nak bertolak pagi esoknya dari pucong ke banting..bertolak kol 8 pagi..punye awal tengok bola abes kul 5 lbh..dapat tdo kejap je..tu pon xnyenyak..kuyu je mate aku..sampai banting kol 10 pastu akad nikah..tok kadi banyak gak soal..die tanye rukun islam membe ak tersasul rukun iman..besela gemuruh bukan xtau..akad nikah pon 2 kali sebab tersalah name..apedaaa..bakal bini senyum je..hahaha..

ni kire festime la ak tengok upacara akad nikah live depan mate..sebelom ni langsong xpena..jadi apabila seorg izi tengok mende-mende camni make terdetik lah dalam hati..aku pon nak nikah jugak..huahuahua..manenya bakal bini aku menyorok xkelua-kelua sampai skang ni..kecewa betol..

katenya belah pengantin perempuan keturunan jawa..jadi masakan dia pelik-pelik la cket..tapi yang penting sedap tuuuu..masak merah ayam..rendang daging..perut goreng ngan kacang panjang..gulai nangka..apentah namenye,aku gelarkan acar je la..pastu kuah kari..yummy yummy..abes je akad nikah dalam kol 11 ak bedal terus sepinggan..pastu balik rumah tumpangan semula rehat-rehat..ak memang da ngantok..start enjin pasang aircon ak bantai tido nagn membe ak..bangun-xbangun mak membe ak gerak nak pegi berarak..rambut da kusut masai da..ejas cket2 pastu join berarak sekali..hahaha..mentennnnnn...da siap sanding tunggu membe aku pulak sampi..dorg sesat la pulak..ak langsong xtau jalan..aku men follow je..membe ak pon same xtau..pengantin je yang tau jd terpaksa la kacau dorg..sampi je dorg pastu gi makan..ak pon join sekali..bantai jugak sepinggan lagi..punye tamak..bukan ape..nak teman dorg sekali..

ok lah..tu je actvities ak weekend baru ni..weekend ni membe ak jak layan x-men pulak..layan....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

macam tu pon boleh ke

bole ke tak boleh..cuba cakap betol2...

ok hari ni bermula macam biasa lah kan..bangun pagi pegi keje..machine pon banyak tak jalan pasal esok audit GMP..GMP stand for good manufacturing practise..ia adalah sejenis sijil yang melayakkan satu company ni memasuki bidang pemprosesan makanan..jadi lebih menitik berat kan kebersihan kilang..jadi hari ni sume org pn buat housekeeping..lap lap..mop mop..sapu sapu..dan sejenisnye lah..aku pon joinsekali lah dengan hati tak tenang..tampal2 note or notice kt tempat sepatotnye..paku dinding dan sebagainye...

ok nak tau kenape tak tenang..sebenarnye aku nak half day..aku nak pegi bank sign document loan kereta..pastu pegi ampang amek surat medical check up..jadi ak pon tunggu lah timing yang paling bagus nk mintak sign..mula kena pancing dulu buat2 rajin die..baju mesti kotor..tangan mesti itam..tu salah satu teknik aku la..hahaha..then aku pegi lah naik ofis dia dengan muka tak bersalah mintak halfday..hahaha..die pun mula la tanya progress cm mane..aku pon da prepare dah..dah agak die aku cite la siket..bagi hati die tenang..pastu masuk lah topik putung rokok dalam toilet..

bab putung rokok memang kelakar cket..sebelom ni aku ada la meeting dengan consultant and bos ak sekali..dalam meeting tu die ada lah stress kan tentang gejala menghisap rokok di dalam tandas..hurmmm..ikot GMP mmg xle isap rokok dalam kilang katenye..aku pon da tersengeh dalam meeting tu..pikir mane nak cari pot laen..hahaha..jadi aku pon bgtahu la sume operator yang hisap rokok dalam toilet tidak dibenarkan lagi..tapi dorg sume tak layan pon..ak pon xlayan jugak..leceh je nak kne pegi rest room isap hari sabtu aku keje..housekeeping punye pasal..bersih membersih..pastu dalam kol 4 lebih ni aku pegi la toilet ngan operator aku pegi smoking..mane lah tau bos ak pergi terjah aku dua org..rokok kat tangan..ayat dia"WHAT IS THIS???"sambil muke berkrut dia blah..ak bantai gelak dua org sebelom keluar..mesti die rasa harapkan pagar..pagar makan padi..hahaha..

jadi kita sambung balik kat bab mintak halfday..sebelom ak keluar tu dia ad mention pasal putung rokok kan..sebelom ni die cakap jangan isap rokok dalam toilet..skang da tuka..pastikan putung rokok tak di buang atats lepas ak kantoi merokok dalam tandas dia tuka instruction aku angguk jela..tanda paham..lepas dia approve cuti aku,aku ada cakap kalau saya settle awal saya masuk ofis balik..hahaha...cewahh ayat nak manis..memang takde nye nak masuk balil klu da dapat cuti..hahaha..lawakkkk...

aku amek cuti sebab nak pegi bank sign document..sampai je bank bole plak org yang handle tu pegi rehat..sejam lak tu..ak sampi kul 3.15..die baru kelua rehat dlm 4.15 die msuk balik..aku memamng hangin la..penat2 aku amek cuti xpdt settle..aku cakap die ak pegi ampang dulu pastu datang problem jugak..sebabnye bank ttp 4.30..ap kejadahnye..baek xpayah rehat..trus balik umah..masuk 4.15 balik 4.30..mmg gampang btol la..menyusahkan orang..aku da la nak kne pegi amapang lagi amek letter..terpkaselah korbakn satu..aku pegi ampang dulu..esok lucnh hour aku running jap pegi bank..tapi memang xpuas hati betol la bank tu..kalau ada borang complain ak memang da submit da..suka hati die je nak pegi rehat cam tu..ingat bapak die punye bank ke..

jadi kesimpulannya macam tu pon boleh ke..pray for me tomorrow k..ade audit..jangan kene bambu..c ya...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

suda lame aku tidak berceloteh..

hai..bertemu kembali..sori xupdate last entry..bukan tade mase tapi tade ayat nak kasi taruk..hehe..kesimpulannye ak sihat je..berat pun makin naek je lepas gastrik haritu..skng tiap malam makan roti je...trun la sekilo..da muncit mane nk g kenduri ni..hahaha..

baru2 ni aku ade pegi interview tuk second interview..first interview kt menare intermark ampang..jd second ak pegi trus la kt building tu..ak naek2 tengok satu floor kosong..simen je..ak ingat salah floor..ak trun plak bawah..ranhill jugak..tapi ni ranhill worley..ak punye ranhill bersekutu..ada la wanita cantik n sexy..indah betul klu keje ranhill..awek cun die cakap ranhill pindah..ak cakap btol ke ni sbb last time sy datang cni..ak ad save no ranhill mase fes interview..kol no 2 tade org angkat..jd ak crik blk la agak2 no yg berkemungkinan no ranhill baru lam hp ak..jumpe..pastu ak kol die pnye receptionist..jadi ak selitkan cket perbualan kami:

rafiah: da sampai ke?
izi: da sampai..tngkt bape ofis..
rafiah: tingkat 11..
izi:ok nti sy naek..

ak pegi la blk ke security..maklum la bangunan hightech..nk naek lift pn kne scan id..ak ckp die nk g tngkt 11..die pn tanye..encik nk pegi hotel ke..hahhhh xde la..saye nk pegi ofis ranhill..ak pn dengan peluh dahi kol balik rafiah tu..mase tu da 10 lbh..interview patotnye kol 10..

izi:kak,security tu cakap tingkat 11 tu mane ni..
rafiah:eh awk ni kt mane ni..
izi:sy kt intermark la..
rafiah:laaaa sy xbgtau ke kite da pindah kt menare perkeso..

mak aih..kt celah mane plk menare perkeso ni..ingt ak org ampang ke..terpakse la ak naek cab..kete tngl kt parking ctu..akrnye sampai jugak..

ad lg interview ak pegi..kali ni kat shah alam seksyen 23..nitto denko name die..bole la interview jgk gelabah part die tanye nk sambung blaja ke x..trick btol soklan tu..dulu mase kt perodua ak ckp cam tu die cakap ak kanak2 riang bile ak cakap xnak blaja kali ni ak jawab klu comp tangung ak pegi jugak..hahaha..hareeemmmm..

ni ak ngah tngu ofer letter ranhill..mane ntah..ritu telepon tanye bagai nak rak..diam plak..lambat kua letter lambat la ak resign..

weekend baru ni ak book kete..satria neo cps wane itam..muehehehe..akhirnye aku ad blom sampi pn xapprove rasenye tade msalah kot..bkn ak ad loan laen pn..gaji plak 5 6ribu..hahaha..tade la..tu tipu ribu2 la jgk..hahaha..pasni da ad utang xle la joli katak sangat..ingat baby nk kne bayar tiap2 bulan..hahaha..

k la fella..mau pegi makan..dalam kepale cam nk order mee hailam..macam best je tngk membe ak makan ritu..nk join..di alu-alu2kan..mari kite mebeduk..c u again..

Monday, April 4, 2011

healthy as cow...part 1

the title was phrase out by one of my colleague at work by refering to an operator who was so strong and energetic but kinda stupid sometime..haha..just being honest ok..let see wether im a cow or not... Puchong,2.4.11 izi halil telah diserang penyakit sumulajadinye iaitu sakit perut..yang amat sakit..pedih..berpeluh dahi menahan sakit..kenape la kena jugak sakit perut..ak da jage pantang da..hehehe..utk makluman tuan puan..buah-buahan seperti durian dan rambutan amatlah dilarang oleh perut izi halil..jika degil..nahhh rase kan kesakitannya..haha..haaaa ak da xmkn da mnde2 tu pn kne jugak..tu ak pelik tu.. sebenarnya izi halil ni dari kecik lagi salu sakit perut bile jumpe doc cakap angin..then bagi la ubat ap jadah sume tu..lelame sembuh tu la cite nye..dulu2 mase kecik2 sakit die kt bahagian ulu hati tp bile meningkat dewase ni berubah pulak..die kt bawah bahgian perut berhapiran ngan apendik..apabile berhampiran dengan apendik doc pn mula jump to conclusion ak kne apendik pulak daaa...pas tu mula la suh tngal sample urine pas tu xde pape pn nk kol ckp ak ini ke itu besenye bile ak g klinik or hosp bile skt perut msti ak mntak painkiller shot..muehehehehe..ak xthn sakit..mase kecik nk sunat lari keliling kg..puas lak bapak ak keja..hahahaa..cabut gg pn same..jd bile berpeluang dpt cabut gg bapak ak suh cabut sume yg rongak..jdnye gg ak pn xrate..congek cakdung..sume salah bapak ak..klu x da kiut miut da ak..hahaha berbalik pade kejadian paranormal yg berlaku pada 2.4.11 ni..mase hari jumaat tu ak rehat awal..kul 10 da mkn nasik..jd tengahhri mmg xlapa la..tngu blk kje plk la plan nye nk dlm kul 4 5 ptg cm tu ak cam da rase perut ak ni mcm nk sakit je..kejap rase kejap ak wat dek je..blk kje je mandi2 kemas2 baju start kete g mkn dulu kt mamak..besenye mmg ak xmkn da klu nk blk puchong..mkn uma makcik ak je..muehehehe...peace..jimat beb...nk beli keto ni gu..slain drpd blk pucong ak ad plan laen sbnrnye..supervisor ak mase internship ak kol..suh ak design keje die..pasal die xckup mase..berbayar ok..2 3 rts gak..kje 2 hr ak ngan xcited nye la..dulu pn ak reti la jugak design relate ngn building construction ak g la jumpe die amek architecture drawing..then pas minum2 ak blk la..perut rase xslesa xsakit pn..rase mulas2 kejap2 je..then ak tdo la kul 12 tu..jage2 kul 3 perut sakit..g melabur dlu..then pasan apsal taik wane itam..pas tu baring nye baring xle lelap lak..sakit makin kuat..ak pn trun bawah start kete g klinik dekat ngan uma tu je.. k pas smpi klinik daftar sume2 duk kejap tngu smpi die panggil..smntare tngu tu nk melabur balik..still in colour maaaa...jd mase jumpe doc ak ckp la skt perut..yg ni wt ak skt ati ngan doc malaysia ni..trus nk bg ubat..ap kejadahnye..xde cek pape pn..or tnye pape soklan yg relate ngn sakit perut..xmacam lam cite house m.d tu tnye la ad rase pening2 ke..muntah2 ke...ap ke..pastu ak ckp doc sy berak wane itam..jeng jeng jeng jeng..disini ingin patik phrase kn blk baris bibit kate doc tersebut. "owh my godness..bapa saya pn ad penyakit yang same tp xsempat nk dirawat die da mati"said dr prakash.. ak pn dup dap dup dap la..mati hahhhh ulang skli mala xcukup lagi..die pn xplain la yg ak ni mungkin kne gastric ulser..pulak da..dlu angin...pastu apndik..pdhal nyakit same nyakit laen2..laen doc laen nyakit die bg..pas tu die kasi la ubat then die suh ak dtg ar selase bgtau wane najis je...hahaha..nk gelak pn comodity la taek ak..gagagaga..pastu ak ckp la..isnin sy da blk bukit beruntung sbb keje sane..pastu die tls satu note suh ak g klinik kawan die kt bukit bruntung..dlm note tu tulis..kindly please bla bla bla who has malena x y52..ap mnde pulok tuuuuu..aiya...ak da pelik da..sblm blk tu die smpt tunjuk yg org kne pendaran dlm scary....ak pn blk la uma mkn ubat tp sakit xreda2 jugak..ak pn trun blk g klinik tu ckp mau injet painkiller...die pon oder la ngn nerse die then same..xilang jgk sakit die..btol ke x ntah pain killer die tu..mase tu ak xblk lg..ak duk baring lam mase ak duk baring lam kete dpn klinik die,die ad klua g isaprokok..lame ak duk pusing2 xthan ak pn bukak pintu then die pn pasan u xblk lg..ak ckp la sakit ilang bru sy skang xilang lg..die pn suh kwn die msuk dlm amek mmt then suh ak minum separuh..ak duk bantai sampi nk abes..terlajok still xilang jgk sbnrnye tp ak gagahkan diri yg perkase blk uma..smpi uma makcik ak da bngun da nk kje msuk shift pagi..mase tu kul 6 da..then die tnye skt lg ke..ak ckp skt lg..die pn urut2 la belakang ak smpi die pn xjd g keje..then ak pn tetido... bangun je tdo maseh sakit lg..duk trbaring je la ak..makcik ak wt nasik bile mkn je mkn kuat skt perut..ak pn mkn cket je la wt alas perut..pastu nk ke tengahri cm kurg da sakit..ak pn nk buat la design yg ak cite td tuh..nk buat kne duduk..nk baring meniarap lg duduk pn sakit gak sbenarnye..wt la slow2..pastu buat sambil2 sakit xdpt pikir da ak..ak pon kol la supervisor ak tu suh amek blk design die tuh..ak pn xchat sgt cm mne nk buat..die nk cepat kang klu ak ckp lambat takot xsempat..baek ak ckp awal2..ak msg address die pn sampi la uma ak amek mnde tu sume..jd sepnjang ari ak duk je la kt uma..saving duit..saving jadahnye..g klinik kne cas rm75 tuh..same je..pusing2 rugi gak..xtau ble claim ke x..esk nk tnye accountant ak ble ke x claim..hehehe..rugi woooo... to be cont...da nangtok pakcik dibuatnye..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

ooo god..i miss her..

today i do something stupid..this is me..stupid boy..i know i cant have trying my luck and im not trying at all..becoz i cant try..she is not mine..very sad upset and wahtever la..bounce back???if i i need support??? no..i dont need i need friend???no..i have plenty..what do i need is a girl that can be known as a wife..i dont need girlfriend at all..girlfriend is it posible to get marry if i dont have a gilrfriend..i hope so..i realy2 hope that..rite now im thinking to settle down..where im going to meet my soulmate or i will not meet her at it posible to be marry to the one that i dont love..more important is,is she want to marry me if i dont love her..owh my owh my..i miss her like crazy..deppshit..

to my future wife..i will take a good care of sure i will marry to the one that i love..rite now i maybe not sure..let see what good n be nice..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hik huk hik huk

isnin 28/2 ak dapt mase accountant nak bg cek ak xde lam ofis..bese la..ak kuat merayau dan menyorok dari bos ak..ini adalah teknik menyelamatkan diri yang terulung kalau sape2 nk eye contact no stupid task..believe me..hahaha..xpecaye cube hp kne tngl lam ofis tau..tuk kesan yang lebih mendalam..

ok..jadinye ak pun pegi la cari accountant tu kat ofis die pasal nk amek cek..maklumla da kering ooooo ujung bulan..kne la usaha cket kan..haha..then masuk bilik die, die pn wt muke sememeh tanye ak ini la lskit sebanyak skripnye klu ak ingt.

teh : u suda 6 bulan kt cni kn..i pasan mase tngk u punye file..(ecewah dengan muke sememehnye)
izi : owh xpasan pn..(konon keje kuat smpi xsedar 6 bulan..lancilop..hahaha)
teh : uad tnye mr shum ke?
izi : xde la pulak..
teh : knp xde tnye..u kne bgtau sbb die selalu lupe..(ini adlah kelebihan bos ak..lupe ok pe..die suh ak,ak wt liat2 cket pas tu die gerenti lupe xtnye da..senang kje ak)
izi : xde la sy tnye die..
teh : u xmau comfirm ke...
izi : ak da teragak2 nk jawab da..sebenarnye ak mmg xnk comfirm pn..sbb nye nti klu da comfirm kne notis 3bln wooo klu nk resign..under probation 24hours..jd ak pn jwb sambil sengeh2..klu bagi sy nk je..(konon)
teh : ok nti sy forward dgn mr shum...

then ari selase die crik ak lg..aiyaaaaaaa...kali ni bwk surat comfirm trus..die suh ak sign tp ak ckp kt die ak nk hold dulu..die pulak xpaham2..suh ak sign jgk ckp ni sign acknowledge je ..hurmmmm...ak pn da jd pelik..yeke????????tp ak pn tersign jgn..shittttttt...pastu satu copy tuk ak simpan...

pastu die naek atas jumpe bos..trun2 die crik ak lg..kali ni die amek copy yg die kasi kt ak..hahahaha..maksudnye???ntah ak pn xtau ap mksudnye..lantak la..ak xpeduli..pastu tnye ak dlu ad g medical check up x..ak ckp xde..pas tu die blah..then ak g la toilet smoking jap2..klua2 operator ckp die crik ak lg...adehhhh..amende lg ntah...kali ni bg surat medical check up plk..malasnye ak nk check2 xpela..ak amek je la..

tp kan..ak trlupe plak hrini nk bwk surat tu..surat tu nk kne bwk g klinik mase nk wt medical check xpe la..ak g esk la kot..arghhhh malas2....

isnin ad interview lg..kt hong leong yamaha..hurmmmm..ap ak nk bg alasan nk cuti ni..lantak lahhh..xpeduli ak..

Friday, February 25, 2011

this is my sad moment..silence please...

owh gosh..lagu ni killer..lagu ni mase ex ak cheat dlu 3thn yg lps kot klu x silap..sebak gile denga lagu..adakah air mate mengalir..tiada sapa yang tahu selain ak..peace...btw ak teringat kt ex ak la pulak malam ni..sebabnye seumur hidup ak n dalam banyak2 relationship ngan minah ni je ak sempat celebrate..huhu..sob3..yang lain sume ke laut..nk dekat birthday je clash..apsal malang sangat birthday ak ni ak pn xtau..tanye la ex2 ak sume..last skali ak celb ngn die kt secret recipe..beli kek chocolate indulgence(klu btol la ak eja)..kek tu pn ada aku upload dlm fb..mase tu ad lagu birthday n rakam video video da lame ak delete..klu xdelete kang ak jadi angau plak duk asek tengok smpi kesuda..hohoho..beginilah kehidpan di bulan march..remembering the past..only this month next next month enjoy sampai lebam..

malam ni ak naek bus kol 1 nk g kuantan..kawan ak helo semalam suh turun cakap nk g jalan2 kuala terangganu..plan nye g la kejap jom heboh pnye event tu kt ak ni bukan rajin suke sangat g tmpt2 crowded ni..panas..pelauh ketiak..abes masam..nti xbau la perfume Y'ves saint laurent xpe la kan..duk cuci mate cket skli skle..single kn..hehe..peace skali lagi..

so sape2 nk post gift birthday ak, ak sertakan adress ak kt bawah ni supaya dapat memudahkan korg sume yang nk kasi dengan ikhlas..hahaha..birthday ak 19/3/ skang menabung 10 ringit shri ble kasi ak yg come2 cket kn..agagaga

a2-5 apt dahlia,

jalan melur,s

eksyen bb3,

48000 bukit beruntung,


Thursday, January 20, 2011

suram..takot..hampeh..semangat..tema tuk every paragraph..

minggu ni kt tempat keje sume org duk bising psl bonus lambat dpt..muke seko2 selebet abes..ak je muke gentle n dlm hati sape tahu..hahaha..sbnrnye ak xdpt bonus pon psl ak under probation lg..adehhh kecewa duk ckp psl bonus ak sengeh2 je..alangkah bgus klu ak dpt kn kn kn..cilakak btol bos ni xnk bg ak comfirm cpt2..saje je tanak kasi ak bonus..huh..

hari ni cuti umum..ak plan nk g tngk cite khurafat..dr mnggu lps lg nk tngk sbnrnye tp mngenangkn ak duk umah sorg2 nti..mmg cuak..kang terbayang2 plk hantu2 tu sume..mnggu ni kre ok lg nk tngk..skang pon ak kt pucong uma makcik ak..smpi ahad ni..jumaat keje tp ak ad training kt kilang supplier kt seksyen 26 shah alam..jd ak brtolak dr pucong je la..

lupe nk ckp..mnggu lps ak g la kilang freescale kt petaling jaya..konon nk g interview..kilang mmg besa n standard la kn..sblm interview tu ad briefing dlu..mne la tau upenye klu dpt kne g training dlu kt shrdc 4bln..pluang mmg bgus n sijil g training tu mmg la la agk dlm mase training tu ad elaun rm700 je..mne thn..xkn duk uma je 4 bln nti..kite da bese pegang 2k kt tngn tibe2 dpt 700rts je..kayap bossss..jd lps briefing ak trus la cabut..huhu..rugi ak..da la non paid leave..kne tolak la gaji ak nti..

hurmmm...ptg ni klu ad mse pas tngk wayng ingt nk g jogging jap..babat pon da bnyk..hahaha..asek mkn tdo je..g kje melangok mne xnaek..huahua..

ok la..hurm smkn hari smkn malas nk tulis..k la..c ya

Monday, January 3, 2011

matlamat 2011

matlamat 2011
1. tukar kerja berhampiran shah alam atau pun puchong..ak da bosan keje kt bukit beruntung..
2. nk beli kete satria neo cps black colour..
3. cari gf oiiiii..
semoga berjaya..aminn..

welcome 2011

pejam celik terbeliak sume ad..skang da msuk tahun 2011..mengikut tahun umo ak da 24..klu ikot hari masih 23..tetapi...haaa ad tetapi tu..mngikut rupa paras pulak baru 18..hahaha..kamu pula mcm mane??..jadi ak sembahkan kepada kamu semua summary hidup ak sepanjang 2010..

Januari 2010
-tahun baru ni ak bermula sebagai sorg kekasih kepada wan nabila wan razak atau name manje nye bela..
-ini adalah ahri pertama ak bekerja tapi sebagai trainee je di associated group konsult

Februrai 2010
-mak ak masuk hospital di sebabkan penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi..
-clash dengan bela sbb xsehaluan lg..

March 2010
-birthday ak mehh, tp xdpt hadiah satu habuk pon..hahaha
-mase bulan ni ak pegi yun nam hair care sbb nk treat rambut gugur

April 2010/Mei 2010
-bulan ni ak xtau ak wt ap..duk wt xtvt yg same je...bangun pg g keje..blk mkn tgk tv terus tdo..
-dalam 2 bln ni ak duk sebuk apply keje n pegi interview di seluruh pelusok selangor ni..

June 2010
-tamat internship di agk sdn bhd
-hidup sebagai penganggur terhormat dan pulang ke kg..kehkeh

Julai 2010
-bapak ak lenyek kucing manje ak..sedeh ak dibuatnye..tdo terbayang2 seko ni..

August 2010
-bermula dengan kehidupan sebagai sorg employee d emec technology sdn berhad bertempat di segambut..jauh woo berulang dr pucong ke segambut..klu jam 2jam bru sampi..letih ak di tahan seminggu je..
-berhenti keje tmpt lame n trus masuk keje di TT packaging sdn bhd bertempat di bukit beruntung..
-menjalani puasa dengan tabah di bazar kt cni seyes sedap2..

September 2010
-yipppii...xde la yippi sgt bulan raye dan ak sebagai org yg da bekerja kena bg duit raye..kopak wooo..sib baek comp lame ak keje yg semnggu tu bg duit kt ak..xde la sesak sgt..

Oktober 2010
-tanggal 9 hb 10 2010 adalah tarikh konvo universiti ak..maka tamat lah segale perjuangan ak sebagai pelajar..or mane tau nti ak amek master plk ke..

November 2010
-xde ap pntng berlaku pada bln ni..hari2 kirja..balik kirja on9..puas on9 tdo

Disember 2010
-bln ni kwn sekolah ak kawen kt raub sane..seyes jauh..kebas ponggong ak nk bole ke smpi sane..kopak duit satu hal..haha