Sunday, May 23, 2010

sebelah kaki suda ad..

spnjang 2 mnggu ni..ak sebok duk update jobstreet ak..mcm2 jns keje or tempat ak mntak asalkn brkait ngn engineering..prepare dr awl2 ni..kang xde la mngangur lame sgt..da ad keje sng cket..bru ad kebebsan klu ad duk berjimat cermat je ari2..fed upwooo..

slm 2 mnggu ni ad 5 cmny pangil ak interview tp 2 terpakse ak tolak sbb jauh sgt..dpt kt penang 1 and johor 1 tp rase rugi je sbb cmpny best kialng yg kuantan gtu..wt steel nk wt cm mne..ak bajek dlm sbulan cm 2 bru ad kne g interview..kurg ak da abes dpt skli gus tros 5..xkn la nk mntak cuti lelame kt bos..kang ap plk kate org tue 2..jd ak accept yg dkt2 ngn ak je la wt mase ni..rugi rugi rugi..bkn sng nk dpt interview..huhu..

jumaat bru ni ak g interview kt ara damansara tp ni bkn kilang..mcm ofis je ak tngk tp besa gk la..2 lot 3tingkat..yg ni ak saje2 je tp xharap mne..saje nk test cm mne gayenye interview ni..puas la ak mbuat ayat 2 3 mlm ni kan..mklum la nk kne speaking kn..ak da la kantoi cket bab2 speaking ni..then smpi je sane xgne pon ak hapal ayat2 2..die tngk resume n then start questioning 2 plk xpe la..just 4 exp. rite..lg satu siap tnye ap maksud name ak..hahaha..seb bek ak tau kn..ap da..terkezut ak..overall interview average la..not so bad 4 the fes interview..

jd kames dpan ak ad 2 kol 10 kt bandar sri damansara n ptg kol 3 kt klang valley..yg pg 2 ak rase cm nk cancel jep..tngk2 lam internet comny wt tooling ap ntah..jns2 gne production line gtu..huhu..kureng cket ak bab 2..nti ari isnin ak tepon la gtau nk cancel..klu die tnye nape ak ckp ak da dpt job offer..hahaha..tpu cket je xpyh la amek cuti sehari..ble amek cuti sprh ari je..ssh jd student practikel ni..hak2 kemanusian dnafikan..hahahaha..yg ptg punye cmny fabricate cm 2..hehehe..thats what i like..nti klu g meting2 ble travel2 overseas kn..hehe..berharap je la..

semoga Allah membuka pintu rezeki sluas2nye untuk ak..aminnnn

Saturday, May 8, 2010

not feelin ease at all

my special task today was changing my status in face book from widowed to single.. y did i change it, simply couldnt answer by myself but i feel need to be but no meaning..meaningless u know.. is my life had change recently.. the answer is yes..absolutely yes..where is my peacefully moment in the past month..where is it..who to it from me..hate this..

i tot by telling the truth i can satisfy my self but y m feelin crap like this..something bad happening to me again n again..i couldnt take it anymore..what wwould u do if ur chances are 10-90..perhap u will movin on yet y i still here..who stop me from do that..i can not resist u when u surface back..i dunno y..pretty dengerous rite..

hurmmm am destiny to be like this personal life always disturb me from complete happiness.

i want to share somethng..finally i got realy deserve appreciation from my bos becoz of my work..i deserve that..after all..he know my contribution but not big as u think..juz enof to make me proud of myself..

the situation:
around 8pm n m still working on my supervisor want it by 10am tomorrow morning..rather than risk not finished it by tomorrow, i stay at the ofice working on that..then my bos exit his room n ask me"what did u do" then i replied"mr chai project..he"oo kaira susila punye project, wan punye"(wan is my supervisor and a lot of thank to him becoz his knowledge runnin on my vein now..hehe)..then he cont"u skang da jd wan no 2..u da potong sulaiman"(sulaiman is another coworker)..but then i diam je..buat2 xde perasaan..padahal dlm hati..heheheheehehe..i have been compare to mr wan..impresive one can get close to him in term of time finishing a services..u couldnt believe it..what a flexibel finger tip..but wait aaaa my finger also fast say i can handle 100% juz a litlle bit early..i still need suggestion or recommendation by exp eng like him to make sure i didnt do wrong..

livin the dream..whats next..i couldnt be sure yet..but im sure that i realy dont wanna be penganggur..pray 4 me enof with angkat bakul sendiri..hahaha..cont later la..

c ya

Saturday, May 1, 2010

ap ak buatttttt

fes...yeaaaaaa da msuk bln 5..cek da dpt tp xclear lg..hari rabu bru clear kot..lg sbulan 18 hari lg ak practical..haiyoooo lame student meki practical..mbe ak bdk elec da keje da pon..ak gk terkontang kanting ngn gaji 650 kt ctu....huwaaahuwaa..xcukuppppp..nafsu besar mne cukup..hahahaha..

arini ak duk fill on9 application dlm jobstreet smpi skng..ak bantai je aply sume tempat..jnji ad relate ngn ak cket2 pon ak da sebat sume..preparation..kot kt ktn xdapat satu hape..xkn nk mnganggur lame2..mati kutu la nti..

lagi pe ak buat..duk tergolek je la men tenet..da kul 4 pon xmndi2 xpe..ak mmg stp mase wangi wlu xmndi pon..xpercaye meh dtg test cni..hahahaha..panas gile bilik nihhh...mcm kene steambot je rase..kurang skilo lame2 duk lam umah gni..

pasni nk wt pe..g jusco bkt raje adk ak nk bli baju utk die practical n mlm ni tngk bola..puh puh puh chelsea kalah wlupon mcm imposible je..liverpool da la ayam kepang je..torres pon injured..nk mng cm xpe..nothing is imposible rite..kikiki..

gtg yall..c ya