today i do something stupid..this is me..stupid boy..i know i cant have trying my luck and im not trying at all..becoz i cant try..she is not mine..very sad upset and wahtever la..bounce back???if i i need support??? no..i dont need i need friend???no..i have plenty..what do i need is a girl that can be known as a wife..i dont need girlfriend at all..girlfriend is it posible to get marry if i dont have a gilrfriend..i hope so..i realy2 hope that..rite now im thinking to settle down..where im going to meet my soulmate or i will not meet her at it posible to be marry to the one that i dont love..more important is,is she want to marry me if i dont love her..owh my owh my..i miss her like crazy..deppshit..
to my future wife..i will take a good care of sure i will marry to the one that i love..rite now i maybe not sure..let see what good n be nice..
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
hik huk hik huk
isnin 28/2 ak dapt mase accountant nak bg cek ak xde lam ofis..bese la..ak kuat merayau dan menyorok dari bos ak..ini adalah teknik menyelamatkan diri yang terulung kalau sape2 nk eye contact no stupid task..believe me..hahaha..xpecaye cube hp kne tngl lam ofis tau..tuk kesan yang lebih mendalam..
ok..jadinye ak pun pegi la cari accountant tu kat ofis die pasal nk amek cek..maklumla da kering ooooo ujung bulan..kne la usaha cket kan..haha..then masuk bilik die, die pn wt muke sememeh tanye ak ini la lskit sebanyak skripnye klu ak ingt.
teh : u suda 6 bulan kt cni kn..i pasan mase tngk u punye file..(ecewah dengan muke sememehnye)
izi : owh xpasan pn..(konon keje kuat smpi xsedar 6 bulan..lancilop..hahaha)
teh : uad tnye mr shum ke?
izi : xde la pulak..
teh : knp xde tnye..u kne bgtau sbb die selalu lupe..(ini adlah kelebihan bos ak..lupe ok pe..die suh ak,ak wt liat2 cket pas tu die gerenti lupe xtnye da..senang kje ak)
izi : xde la sy tnye die..
teh : u xmau comfirm ke...
izi : ak da teragak2 nk jawab da..sebenarnye ak mmg xnk comfirm pn..sbb nye nti klu da comfirm kne notis 3bln wooo klu nk resign..under probation 24hours..jd ak pn jwb sambil sengeh2..klu bagi sy nk je..(konon)
teh : ok nti sy forward dgn mr shum...
then ari selase die crik ak lg..aiyaaaaaaa...kali ni bwk surat comfirm trus..die suh ak sign tp ak ckp kt die ak nk hold dulu..die pulak xpaham2..suh ak sign jgk ckp ni sign acknowledge je ..hurmmmm...ak pn da jd pelik..yeke????????tp ak pn tersign jgn..shittttttt...pastu satu copy tuk ak simpan...
pastu die naek atas jumpe bos..trun2 die crik ak lg..kali ni die amek copy yg die kasi kt ak..hahahaha..maksudnye???ntah ak pn xtau ap mksudnye..lantak la..ak xpeduli..pastu tnye ak dlu ad g medical check up x..ak ckp xde..pas tu die blah..then ak g la toilet smoking jap2..klua2 operator ckp die crik ak lg...adehhhh..amende lg ntah...kali ni bg surat medical check up plk..malasnye ak nk check2 xpela..ak amek je la..
tp kan..ak trlupe plak hrini nk bwk surat tu..surat tu nk kne bwk g klinik mase nk wt medical check xpe la..ak g esk la kot..arghhhh malas2....
isnin ad interview lg..kt hong leong yamaha..hurmmmm..ap ak nk bg alasan nk cuti ni..lantak lahhh..xpeduli ak..
ok..jadinye ak pun pegi la cari accountant tu kat ofis die pasal nk amek cek..maklumla da kering ooooo ujung bulan..kne la usaha cket kan..haha..then masuk bilik die, die pn wt muke sememeh tanye ak ini la lskit sebanyak skripnye klu ak ingt.
teh : u suda 6 bulan kt cni kn..i pasan mase tngk u punye file..(ecewah dengan muke sememehnye)
izi : owh xpasan pn..(konon keje kuat smpi xsedar 6 bulan..lancilop..hahaha)
teh : uad tnye mr shum ke?
izi : xde la pulak..
teh : knp xde tnye..u kne bgtau sbb die selalu lupe..(ini adlah kelebihan bos ak..lupe ok pe..die suh ak,ak wt liat2 cket pas tu die gerenti lupe xtnye da..senang kje ak)
izi : xde la sy tnye die..
teh : u xmau comfirm ke...
izi : ak da teragak2 nk jawab da..sebenarnye ak mmg xnk comfirm pn..sbb nye nti klu da comfirm kne notis 3bln wooo klu nk resign..under probation 24hours..jd ak pn jwb sambil sengeh2..klu bagi sy nk je..(konon)
teh : ok nti sy forward dgn mr shum...
then ari selase die crik ak lg..aiyaaaaaaa...kali ni bwk surat comfirm trus..die suh ak sign tp ak ckp kt die ak nk hold dulu..die pulak xpaham2..suh ak sign jgk ckp ni sign acknowledge je ..hurmmmm...ak pn da jd pelik..yeke????????tp ak pn tersign jgn..shittttttt...pastu satu copy tuk ak simpan...
pastu die naek atas jumpe bos..trun2 die crik ak lg..kali ni die amek copy yg die kasi kt ak..hahahaha..maksudnye???ntah ak pn xtau ap mksudnye..lantak la..ak xpeduli..pastu tnye ak dlu ad g medical check up x..ak ckp xde..pas tu die blah..then ak g la toilet smoking jap2..klua2 operator ckp die crik ak lg...adehhhh..amende lg ntah...kali ni bg surat medical check up plk..malasnye ak nk check2 xpela..ak amek je la..
tp kan..ak trlupe plak hrini nk bwk surat tu..surat tu nk kne bwk g klinik mase nk wt medical check xpe la..ak g esk la kot..arghhhh malas2....
isnin ad interview lg..kt hong leong yamaha..hurmmmm..ap ak nk bg alasan nk cuti ni..lantak lahhh..xpeduli ak..
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